By: Sid Bidare

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can negatively affect attention and focus ability as well as causing impulsive behaviors. Although there are many methods of controlling the symptoms of ADHD, a previously under-researched avenue could be the role of vitamins and vitamin concentrations. Vitamins function in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which enable overall brain function, contributing to the reduction of ADHD symptoms. ADHD affects around 11% of Children that are aged 4 – 17. Although there is no specific cause, research has linked it to various factors, including various genetic factors. Usually, vitamins such as Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin D are crucial to manage the symptoms of ADHD.
Zinc is vital in DNA synthesis, wound healing, and bone structure. Because the body cannot naturally produce Zinc, it is critical to consume it in one's diet. Although the research on the role of Zinc in ADHD is under-researched, Zinc serves as a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes involved in the network of neurotransmitters. A 1981 study on the role of Zinc in ADHD measured hair samples of 46 hyperactive children, and 31 had Zinc levels below the normal range. They hypothesized that Zinc deficiency results in decreased levels of essential fatty acids contributing to hyperactivity.
Secondly, Magnesium concentrations significantly affect cognitive ability, mood stability, and concentration levels. A study researched how individuals with ADHD and magnesium deficiency would be affected by magnesium supplementation while maintaining a control group that didn't receive that supplement. The results showed a clear improvement in attention, working memory, and visual processing.
Vitamin D
Lastly, Vitamin D plays a similar role in brain function. Vitamin D is unique because it is a hormone and a vitamin. Vitamin D can increase dopamine and norepinephrine levels which can combat the mood swings presented by ADHD. In addition, Vitamin D increases the production of Acetylcholine, which can improve focus levels. In a recent study, children with ADHD had significantly lower vitamin D levels than the control group. The group receiving vitamin D supplementation demonstrated improved cognitive function reducing behavior of inattention, opposition, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Vitamins play a vital role in managing the symptoms of ADHD. Managing one's diet to coordinate adequate amounts of vitamins is critical to effectively limiting and overcoming the symptoms of ADHD.
Sinfield, J. (2019, April 16). How does vitamin D help ADHD? Untapped
Elshorbagy, H. H. (2018, February 18). Impact of Vitamin D Supplementation on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children.