By: Sid Bidare

ADHD can present many difficult symptoms in one's life. People might have trouble concentrating, fidgety, worried, or anxious. Many anti-ADHD drugs come with unintended side effects, but luckily, new research has found Matcha to be an effective natural remedy for ADHD, one without side effects.
In addition to providing more generalized health benefits, such as healing wounds and increasing heart health, Matcha and green tea contain a few unique ingredients that can alleviate the symptoms of ADHD. Firstly, Matcha contains the compound L Theanine. A recent study determined that L Theanine could increase concentrations of GABA and other chemicals like dopamine, which could work to regulate mood disorders. In addition, L Theanine is known to reduce anxiety and help relax the body. A recent study from Japan confirmed daily supplementation of L-theanine might help people who suffer from anxiety better focus on their daily activities. During the experiment, they measured participants' electrical activity. The study found that participants who received L-theanine displayed increased brain waves. Additionally, the subjects who were given the green tea compound rather than a placebo had improved attention, slowed heart rates, and better reaction times.

Compared to more traditional drinks like coffee, Matcha is more desirable both for those with ADHD and those without it, as Matcha's unique combination of caffeine and L Theanine balance each other out. While caffeine is not necessarily bad, it produces a jittery feeling. That's where L theanine comes in. The relaxing effects allow you to capture caffeine's benefits without the jittery downsides. L Theanine has been proven effective at inducing quicker sleep if taken before bed, demonstrating the value L Theanine has even to people without ADHD.
If you do not want to drink Matcha, some other foods contain L theanine, which means eating those foods would have an equivalent effect to drinking Matcha. They mainly come in two forms. Firstly, some specific fruits and vegetables, especially mushrooms like the Bay Bolete mushroom, have high quantities of L Theanine. The second method is L Theanine supplement pills. This method is generally the most effective way to ensure a daily supply of L Theanine. However, it is imperative to note that L Theanine supplement pills could reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure treatments. Although there are certain limitations to consuming Matcha and L theanine, specifically for pregnant women or very young children, for those who can take it, Matcha can help improve focus and decrease anxiety in ADHD patients. It's time the world gave more attention to the natural remedy for some ADHD symptoms known to humankind for centuries.
Anna, H. (2022, March 6). Matcha vs coffee? Which is better for ADHD? Natural Alternative ADHD Treatment Center. https://natural-alternative-adhd-
Green tea for ADHD. (2020, January 9). ADD Hero.
Cuncic, A. (2022, April 27). L-theanine for ADHD. Verywell Mind.